Boundaries vs. Limitations

What's the difference between a limitation and a boundary?

Perception defines limitations. Self-worth defines boundaries.

A limitation is a physical or mental barrier, or a restriction. For example, as humans we cannot naturally fly. It's not apart of our biology. This is a physical limitation of the human body.


However, limitations can be overcome with belief. Thanks to those who believed in the "impossible", the not-yet-seen, we have the ability to fly -- via airplanes, hang gliding… you get the gist.


Another limitation may be more mental. "Well, I've never been able to do that before, and because of [insert reason here], I will never be able to do that." If you tell yourself that day in and day out, sure. You will never be able to wake up early, learn how to meditate, start eating healthy, quit that job you hate, work out consistently, whatever the case may be…. if you genuinely believe you cannot do this.


But is it possible? What kind of limitations are you setting for yourself that are no longer serving you?

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Boundaries, on the other hand, are consciously (or unconsciously) established rules within relationships with others. For example, as an entrepreneur, I need to make appointments with myself to accomplish my goals, because no one else is going to create the time & space for me to create my business.


So when I say "no" to someone -- in regards to my personal space or time availability, it may be physically & mentally possible for me to override this and say "yes".  It is possible for me to say, "actually, yes, I am free" -- and override the commitments I made to myself. Therefore, my time availability and personal space is not a limitation.


However, because I know my values -- including my relationship with myself -- I hold myself (and others) accountable, so that I can make appropriate space for my goals…and my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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So today, I encourage you to keep this concept in the back of your mind. When a limiting belief arises, identify it. Ask yourself, "Is this the truest truth? Or is there something I CAN change about this situation?" I find that asking divine guidance for creative solutions often allows me to overcome limitations that have held me back from living my life's purpose, or my dharma.


At the same token, when you feel like you are always over-extending yourself to others, or contrastingly, you recognize that you are not allowing ANYONE into your energetic space & emotional world, ask yourself, "What are my values? What relationships in my life do I value, and how do the boundaries I set for myself and others reflect these values?"  It's important to let others in. After all, human connection is not only beautiful but absolutely necessary for our survival. As my mom always said, "It takes a village". Yet it's just as important to prioritize your values and dreams, and not sacrifice them, either.

Sending love through the airwaves,





allow me to introduce myself.